Notification of Conversion to Open Access Journal

The Journal of Japanese Botany will become an Open Access journal from 2025 (Volume 100). Authors will not need to pay any charges such as Article Processing Charges (APC).
Furthermore, starting from 2026 (Volume 101) onwards, the production of physical copies will be discontinued, and the journal will transition to a fully online journal. Further details regarding these changes will be provided on The Journal of Japanese Botany’s website as necessary.
If you have any questions regarding this decision, please feel free to contact our customer service at


2025年2月20日の100巻1号発行に併せて,最新号を含めたすべての記事をJ-STAGEにてオープンアクセスで公開いたします. なお,オープンアクセスに伴う,投稿料,掲載料(APC)等の著者負担は発生いたしません.

Notification of Decrease of the Number of Free Offprints

The number of free-charged offprints was changed from 50 to 20. This change is applied to all articles published on and after Volume 99 Number 1 (2024).



Instructions to Authors

May 16, 2023

  1. Field covered: The Journal of Japanese Botany accepts manuscripts on systematic botany, pharmacognosy and their related disciplines.
  2. Categories of submission: Manuscripts for reviews, original articles, notes, news, book reviews and obituaries either in English or Japanese including Latin are acceptable. The Editorial Board decides which manuscripts are appropriate in these categories.
  3. Text style: Authors should follow the latest "Instructions to Authors" in our website ( When preparing a manuscript, please consult recent issues to determine the style of our journal ( Footnotes are not accepted. If additional notes are necessary, mark the spot with a numeral in single parenthesis, and present explanations as endnotes in an annex following the text. Headings of introduction and acknowledgements are not required. Grants-in-Aid should be noted in the acknowledgements.
  4. Summary and key words: Manuscripts of reviews, original articles or notes must be accompanied by an abstract (summary). This is typically one paragraph and not more than 200 words. In case of reviews and original articles, ten or fewer key words (or short phrases such as 'adaptive radiation') are also required. Continuing articles must be indicated by the previous publication at the end of the abstract (summary).
  5. Scientific name: Scientific names in any rank should be italicized. For scientific names appearing in body text for the first time, author names should be indicated. Author abbreviation of scientific names should follow The International Plant Names Index ( Multiple authors of scientific names should be jointed with "&" not with "et".
  6. Herbaria: For abbreviations of herbaria, consult the Index Herbariorum website run by NYBG (
  7. References: References should be cited in Roman script and indicate as, for example, (Tanaka 1989a), Tanaka (1989a) or (Ohwi 1953, 1965a, b), (McNeill et al. 2006, Ohashi and Iokawa 2006) in the text. Accumulated references are at the end of text. They should be arranged in alphabetical order of author, with articles by the same author(s) ordered by year of publication. Full citation is requested. Abbreviations of journal names should follow databases of Harvard University Herbaria ( If there is no record in that database, author should refer to database of PubMed ( Authors should refer to the latest issue's style when preparing the manuscript.
  8. Figure: In principle, figures are printed in grayscale or black and white. Authors who want to print the figures in color, should write “Color print” at the end of the explanation of the figure. The Editorial board makes the final decision for printing in color.
     For halftone (color or grayscale) photographs, a resolution of over 350 dpi (dots per inch) in printing size is recommended. For line figures, a resolution of over 800 dpi (grayscale) and over 1200 dpi (black and white) is recommended. Maximum publication size is 148 × 208 mm. For figures composed of two or more images, original data for each image should also be submitted. In cases where the resolution of images are not high enough for printing, The Editorial Board may request you to re-submit the figure or submit original data.
     Scales of figures should be indicated by measure or bar. Units of measurement should be in the metric system. Explanation of scale size should be included in the explanation of figure. Figure numbers and orders should be put on the lower left corner.
     Figure explanation: Figures should be submitted as separated files from body text. Authors should ensure that every figure has an explanatory caption and put the explanations at the end of body text. Every figure should be cited in body text.
  9. Table: Tables should be submitted as separate files from body text. Authors should ensure that every table is cited in body text.
  10. Offprints and PDF: The corresponding authors of original articles, notes or book reviews will receive a PDF file and also up to 20 offprints (without cover page) free of charge upon request. Additional offprints can be obtained at the authors’ expense only for authors in Japan.
  11. Submissionfee and color print charge: Submission fees and page charges are not required. Authors in Japan bear the cost for the color printing.
  12. Proof reading: Authors are responsible for reading the first galley proof.
  13. Submission: Authors should submit manuscripts via Editorial Manager®( For format of files, authors should use file formats of Microsoft Word (.docx) for the text, Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) for tables and JPEG, TIFF, Adobe Photoshop (.psd) or Adobe Illustrator (.ai) or Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx) for figures.
  14. Judgement: The manuscript submitted is evaluated by two or more independent reviewers selected by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board makes decision on the acceptance or rejection or the need for revision on the basis of their reports. The Editorial Board retains the right to decide the order of publication of submitted papers and to alter their style.
  15. Copyright: The copyright of this journal is held by the Editorial Board of The Journal of Japanese Botany. The "Copyright Transfer Statement" (CTS) will be attached to the proofs. The CTS has to be signed and sent back together with the corrected proofs.
  16. Personal Information: Personal information gathered through submission complies with our Handling of Personal Information policy (


  1. 投稿範囲:本誌には植物分類学,生薬学,およびそれらに関連する分野の原稿を投稿することができる.
  2. 原稿の種類:本誌に投稿できる原稿は英文または和文(ラテン文を含む)のいずれでもよい.原稿は総説,原著,短報,書評,追悼,ニュースなどとし,その範疇は編集委員会が決定する.
  3. 原稿の体裁:原稿は投稿規定 ( および本誌最新号を参照して作成する.脚注は用いない.注を必要とする箇所には片括弧つき数字を付し,本文末尾に一括して説明を記す.序論と謝辞の見出しはつけない.研究助成等は謝辞の中に記す.
  4. 要旨:総説,原著,短報は和文,英文にかかわらず,原則200語以内の英文要旨および400字以内の和文要旨(摘要)をつける.総説と原著は10 語以内のローマ字表記のキーワードを英文要旨の次につける.継続論文の場合は,英文要旨の末尾に直前の掲載誌名,巻,頁,年を(Continued from …) のように記す.
  5. 学名の表記:原稿に記載される全ての学名はランクにかかわらず,イタリックで表記する.学名の著者名はIPNI ( またはYList ( に従う.それらにない場合は姓を省略せずに綴る.学名の著者が複数の場合は"&" で結び,"et" は用いない.本文で初出の学名には,著者名を付ける.
  6. 標本の引用:標本館の略号はニューヨーク植物園のデータベース Index Herbariorum ( に従う.
  7. 引用文献:文中での文献の引用はローマ字表記とし,Ohwi (1953, 1965a, b),(Turland et al. 2018), Ohashi and Iokawa (2006)などとして早い年代順とし,同年の複数文献は年号を繰り返さない.
     引用文献は,原則ローマ字表記とする.和文の論文に日本語文献を引用する場合は,ローマ字表記の後ろに日本語表記を補う.原文にローマ字表記の表題が無い日本語文献を引用する場合は,ローマ字変換した表記か英語訳とする.ローマ字表記に英語訳を併記しても良い.原文に無い英語訳は,該当箇所を角括弧([ ])で括る.日本語のローマ字変換は植物研究雑誌WEB投稿規定ページ掲載の別表を参考にする.
     文献は著者名ローマ字表記のABC順で並べ,著者が同一の場合は早い年代順に並べる.著者の表記は英文規定にならう.文献は表題,誌名,巻号頁を記す.雑誌名の略記は原則としてハーバード大学標本館のデータベースIndex of Botanical Publications ( に従う.上記にない場合は,PubMed (に従う.引用方法は本誌最新号を参照する.
  8. 図:原則,グレースケールまたは白黒2階調で印刷する.カラー印刷を希望する場合は,図の説明の最後に「カラー印刷希望」と記載する.カラー印刷する場合,所定のカラー印刷代金が必要となる.複数の画像と線画を組み合わせた図版(組図)を使用する場合,各画像の原図も提出する.
     画像はカラー・モノクロともに印刷時のサイズで解像度350 dpi 以上,線画・グラフはグレースケールで800 dpi 以上,モノクロで1200 dpi 以上が望ましい.図の印刷サイズは最大で148 × 208 mm.解像度の不足や,加工により画像が劣化している場合は,図の再提出や原図の提出を求める場合がある.
     図の説明:図は全て本文中に引用し(例:Fig. 1),説明は英文とする.和文論文に限り,和文の説明を併記して良い.説明は本文原稿に記載する.生態写真の図には,撮影日,撮影場所,撮影者を可能な限り記載する.     
  9. 表:表は全て本文中に引用し(例:Table 1),説明は英文とする.和文論文に限り,和文の説明を併記して良い.説明,注記は表と共に記載する.
  10. PDFと別刷り:投稿著者 (corresponding author)には,登載論文・ニュース・書評などのPDFと別刷り(表紙なし,20部以下の希望の部数)を無料で進呈する.20部を超える数の別刷りは実費を著者が負担する場合に限って作成する.別刷り表紙は,表紙費用を著者が負担する場合に限り,無料分も含めてつけることができる.
  11. 投稿料及びカラー印刷:原稿投稿料は無料.カラー印刷は,実費を著者負担とする.
  12. 校正:著者校正は初校のみとする.
  13. 投稿方法:投稿はEditorial Manager® ( から行い, テキストはMicrosoft Wordファイル(.docx),表はMicrosoft WordもしくはMicrosoft Excelファイル (.xlsx), 図はJPEG,TIFF,Adobe Photoshop (.psd) ,Adobe Illustrator (.ai)もしくはMicrosoft PowerPoint (.pptx) の形式とする.
  14. 原稿の採否:投稿原稿の採否は,編集委員会の選んだ2名以上の査読者の意見を参照して,編集委員会が決定する.登載順序は,編集委員会が決定する.
  15. 著作権:本誌に発表された論文の著作権は植物研究雑誌編集委員会に帰属する.論文の採用後,著作権移譲書 (Copyright Transfer Statement) が著者校正と共に送付されるので,同書に署名し著者校正と共に返送すること.
  16. 個人情報:原稿投稿に際し収集した個人情報は本誌の「個人情報の取り扱い」( に従う.


a i u e o
きゃ きゅ きょ
ka ki ku ke ko kya kyu kyo
しゃ しゅ しょ
sa shi su se so sha shu sho
ちゃ ちゅ ちょ
ta chi tsu te to cha chu cho
にゃ にゅ にょ
na ni nu ne no nya nyu nyo
ひゃ ひゅ ひょ
ha hi fu he ho hya hyu hyo
みゃ みゅ みょ
ma mi mu me mo mya myu myo
ya yu yo
りゃ りゅ りょ
ra ri ru re ro rya ryu ryo
wa o
ぎゃ ぎゅ ぎょ
ga gi gu ge go gya gyu gyo
じゃ じゅ じょ
za ji zu ze zo ja ju jo
ぢゃ じゅ じょ
da ji zu de do ja ju jo
びゃ びゅ びょ
ba bi bu be bo bya byu byo
ぴゃ ぴゅ ぴょ
pa pi pu pe po pya pyu pyo

◇撥音(ン)の表記:nで表す.b, m, pの前は「m」とする.撥音の次に母音またはyが続く時も区切りは入れない.





